Tools And Accessories
Profilestore stock hundreds of Genesis tile trims, you can also buy all the items you are likely to require to fit them. We stock sponges for grout work, a selection of trowels, from gauging to bucket trowels and of course floats (both basic and professional) to make grout work easy.
We also carry stock of a square notch trowel in sizes from 6mm to 12mm. The Genesis tiger trowel has a special notch design allowing for easier bedding of tiles and reducing need to ‘back butter’ the tile, we recommend you give it a try today. If you want to buy a selection of trowels in a single box we have the Genesis Stainless Steel Ceramic Trowel Box Set which contains all the trowels you are likely to use in a single box!
Our Washboy is the Genesis 23L with wheels.
If you are tiling a great deal then the Genesis GLS Spin tile system makes levelling tiles easy and their price is cheap enough to save you time as well as money.